Beautiful Corpse (Available Now)

Written by Jasmine Woodson, Beautiful Corpse is a book and a workbook to heal the hurt and explore your worth. It is for girls who have been hurt, manipulated or abused by men in regards to relationships, friendships and sex. Beautiful Corpse digs deep into her life (each chapter stemming from unfiltered excerpts from her own journal) and breaks down our worth as women; shining a bright light on the fact that we were created to be so much more than just eye-candy and a sex object, but that we have power and purpose in this world. After reading this and working through the activities, she hopes that every girl understands that her body was meant for more than to be used, tossed around and lusted after but it was meant to go out into this world and change it. 

Purchase the eBook or Workbook NOW by clicking here: 

Books may also be purchased in bulk for a facility and can be in conjunction with a Beautiful Corpse workshop, a session facilitated by Jasmine Woodson for girls age 12-17, touching on sexuality, abuse, finding your true purpose and suicide prevention.


Jasmine Woodson