You have ENOUGH.
My ex would say things like, "If I had the money I would do this for you." and "If we were better off I would do that." but the ironic thing is, he already possessed everything he needed to do something nice for me, he just didn't believe he did. He had huge plans in his head that didn't match his wallet or position at the time. I would hear "I wish I could give you more" but my heart was saying, "I wish you would just give me what you have." Aint it funny that we do the same thing with our purpose?
Divas, you ALREADY possess what you need to deliver but you trippin with yourself.
"If I had more money I would give to the community."
"If I had more followers, I would start to speak my mind and use my platform to bring social change."
"If I had more help, I would start an organization that impacts my city."
"If I was smarter and more powerful in my city, then I would put on huge shows and change the game."
"If I was better off, I would do more for my kids."
This world is hungry, malnourished and STARVING for what you're selfishly holding inside you. Here you are, right next to it, feeling its hunger but you won't give it what you know it needs. Don't believe the lie. We develop this complex that we have to be more or have more but the world needs what you have RIGHT NOW.
Trust me, God aint gon arouse a great vision in you and fan the flames in your heart and not come through with the come through. Just give what you have and he will come through and make sure everything works out. Stop waiting for the perfect position and perfect opportunity to act. You are already enough and you already have enough.
New-age business coaches and social media gurus might tell you to perfect your business plan first, save money first, get a huge following first, get your brand and look together about just go. You have the passion, you have the vision, just go. Gift it to the world without trying to make it perfect first. Take $20 and a few donations from friends and see what you can buy to give to the homeless. You don't need a brand, T-shirts, business plan and connects for that. Take that passion you have for the human trafficking industry and begin to make videos, tweets, blog posts and just share to your following. You don't need a verified blue check, 1.5 mil followers or a title to do that. Take whatever you have and just go.
You may think you need more to give.
I say, you already have enough.