Sade in the 90s.
“See I used to give a fuck, now I’m jaded
I’m allergic to the bullshit ”
What things in your life can you say this about? Maybe, you used to care what everyone said or thought about you but you've grown to the point that you're completely jaded and could care less now. Maybe, you used to find yourself devastated that something didn't work out or that people were trying to take advantage of you.....maybe you still do. Can you begin to be extremely allergic to the BS and just live YOUR best life?
“You can clearly see my vibe is tremendous
But you won’t see through the tints in my Tesla
I be blocking out the world, it’s a mess, yeah
I’m allergic to the bullshit”
Yes! Your vibe is tremendous! You are dazzling, magical, full, whole, powerful and exactly what this world needs! But you HAVE to block out the world's garbage to keep your magic and your vibes high. Be so f*cking fly that the haters, users, manipulators, nay-sayers and enemies of your soul can't even see into your life clear enough to sabotage anything. This world is a mess sis, but like we acknowledged earlier, you're allergic to the BS, achoo, so stay in your own clear space and avoid the mess like the plague.
“No trouble ever stayed long enough
Thank God every day for my come-up
Somebody tryna slight me, it’s all love”
Blessings! Your struggles & your troubles are only there to mold you and shape you into the diva you were meant to be. Worship God every single day for bringing you to this place and for creating you to be great. When the enemy comes in and tries to rock you and when those haters try and slight you.....continue to show nothing but LOVE. That's the high road, that's counter cultural, they don't know what to do with it, its makes them hate you (love in disguise) even more and that's what divas do.
“When I do it like it’s roulette, roll it, burn it, lose it
Hit that black and red, keeping spending decks, I keep it moving
Put that shit behind me, keep my diamonds blinding
Gotta keep it suave like I’m Sade in the 90s”
Nuff said! This life is a gamble, you win some you lose some but don't allow those things you see as losses stop or deter you! Keep it moving, keep YOUR SOUL, above anything, shining so bright that its BLINDING...this is what sets you apart and this is what truly makes you glow. Cultivate your soul, detox it, nurture it! Keep it suave, keep it smooth, keep it sexy, keep it original, keep it soulful, keep it classy, keep it timeless and keep it tasteful just like Sade in the 90s!